The Best CS2 Pro Settings for 2025
One of the best aspects of Counter-Strike 2 is the ability to fine-tune in-game settings to meet utmost comfort, playstyle and preference. However, with so many options available, many players struggle to find the right balance between their in-game settings. In this guide, we’ll check out the best CS2 settings professional players use in 2025.
Best Mouse Settings
Mouse settings are the trickiest category since it entirely comes down to personal preference and mouse space. Instead of providing a single set of settings, we’ll break down the most popular CS2 pro settings based on a player’s role: rifler or AWPer.
Best Pro Mouse Settings For Riflers
Professional riflers prefer playing on lower mouse sensitivity. This is because they rely on precision to land those clean headshots, and are required to control the recoil of their weapons when spraying.
Here are the professional settings for three of the best riflers in the world:
DPI: 1600
Sensitivity: 0.385
eDPI: 616
DPI: 400
Sensitivity: 1.42
eDPI: 568
DPI: 400
Sensitivity: 1.77
eDPI: 708
Though not all riflers play on such low mouse settings, most top-tier players certainly follow the trend.
Best Pro Mouse Settings For AWPers
A common trend between professional AWPers and their mouse settings is that they have a higher average eDPI than riflers. This is because AWPers need to hit those fast flicks, and having low sensitivity makes it difficult.
Here are the professional settings for some of the best AWPers in the world:
DPI: 400
Sensitivity: 2.3
eDPI: 920
DPI: 400
Sensitivity: 2
eDPI: 800
DPI: 400
Sensitivity: 3.09
eDPI: 1236
With this data, we can conclude that AWPers generally use higher mouse settings compared to riflers.
Best Crosshair Settings
Similar to mouse settings, the crosshair depends on a player’s preference, so it’s challenging to develop a “best” universal crosshair among professional players. However, we can use some common trends from professional player crosshairs to determine the key characteristics of a good crosshair.
Here are some things we’ve noticed that make up a well-crafted crosshair:
Color: Most players prefer a bright-colored crosshair to see it properly in dark areas. Hence, colors such as green, cyan, or white are extremely common.
Length: Large crosshairs can disrupt vision, especially in long-ranged engagements. It is best to have a crosshair with short length for more accurate aim, especially when far away.
Thickness: High thickness values make a crosshair bulkier, which can make aiming less accurate. However, thin crosshairs are difficult to see, especially in bright areas. It is important to find the right balance.
Gap: A large crosshair gap makes aiming at the head difficult since there is a lot of room in between crosshair lines. Most professionals prefer a low crosshair gap value.
Outline: Crosshair outlines aren’t too helpful for professional players, and the majority of them prefer turning outlines off entirely.
Dot: It is widely agreed that having a crosshair dot is not ideal, as it covers up the most important area of the crosshair. Turn the crosshair dot off unless you are looking to run a dot crosshair.
With these common trends in mind, let’s check out some crosshair codes used by the best aimers in the world:
donk: CSGO-KTaY3-rXci2-9DTXB-aPuKV-MDr7C
NiKo: CSGO-AuBGo-h8EqX-4kNpU-Z2WvZ-8YEBM
b1t: CSGO-74q7o-bvpfG-mvA6s-6bAtd-OnMHA
m0NESY: CSGO-8nb3d-Et6WE-QsF6B-V3E7j-WphrM
ZywOo: CSGO-t3F8R-3M9vV-qVikH-JF3PV-9mUCP
Twistzz: CSGO-owEM6-jvXwF-uXYZA-mvQ5n-qKwLA
Best Viewmodel Settings
Unlike mouse and crosshair settings, the majority of professional players can agree on a set of viewmodel settings.
Here are the best viewmodel settings used by over 90% of professional players:
FOV: 68
Offset X: 2.5
Offset Y: 0
Offset Z: -1.5
Presetpos: 2
You can copy this viewmodel config to immediately copy the CS2 pro settings:
viewmodel_fov 68; viewmodel_offset_x 2.5; viewmodel_offset_y 0; viewmodel_offset_z -1.5; viewmodel_presetpos 2; |
Best Video Settings
In terms of video settings, there are primarily two ways to go. The majority of professional players either use the 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratios.
4:3 Aspect Ratio
Around half of the players in the professional scene utilize the 4:3 aspect ratio because it is played on the stretched scaling mode. This makes player models appear wider in-game, making it easier to land shots, especially when wielding the AWP.
The best CS2 pro video settings for the 4:3 aspect ratio are:
Resolution: 1280x960
Aspect Ratio 4:3
Scaling Mode: Stretched
Brightness: 100%
Display Mode: Fullscreen
16:9 Aspect Ratio
The 16:9 aspect ratio is the default setting applied when a player first installs Counter-Strike. Though player models do not appear as wide as 4:3, playing on 16:9 ensures you are seeing the entire width of your screen. However, less professional players use these settings compared to the former.
The best CS2 pro video settings for the 16:9 aspect ratio are:
Resolution: 1920x1080
Aspect Ratio 4:3
Scaling Mode: Native
Brightness: 100%
Display Mode: Fullscreen
Advanced video settings are another thing, but you should adjust them depending on your computer’s capabilities and personal preference. Copying CS2 pro video settings does not impact your overall gameplay and skills.
Though settings entirely come down to personal preference and comfort, we can notice several trends when comparing the settings of professional players, which are widely considered “good”.
You can always experiment by copying the settings of your favorite players, but they won’t always work as well as you think they would. We recommend copying the settings of professional players and making slight adjustments to meet your needs.